Local Yolks eggs are an excellent source of protein, minerals and essential vitamins and can make significant contributions to healthy diets.
Vitamins: Eggs are a good source of all B vitamins. They also have good levels of Vitamins A and D.
Minerals: Eggs are an excellent source of minerals in particular iodine and phosphorus.
Protein: This is found in both the yolk and the white of the egg. One egg can contain 12-15% of an average adults daily protein requirement.
There are less than 70 calories in an egg (Medium size)
Local Yolks eggs come in different sizes;
- Extra Large: 73 grams +
- Large: 63 grams – 73 grams
- Medium: 53 grams – 63 grams
- Small: under 53 grams
An Egg in weight is made up of the following:
- 31% Yolk
- 58% White
- 11% Shell
The average Local Yolks hen lays 250 to 270 eggs a year.